While lockdown continues Big Sky is delighted to release a full-length animation of the Boy and the Bunnet, created by John McGeoch of Arts in Motion. Great to watch with kids of all ages - remember you can also access the related teaching material here and have some educational fun during lockdown (all approved by the SQA). For every 250 views we’ll donate a Boy and the Bunnet book or CD to an education authority to share in schools after lockdown - so spread the word! And enjoy the magic of James Robertson’s words and James Ross’s music all over again!
For brand new illustration and colouring in sheets visit the activities page.
Watch the full performance of the show from The Famous Spiegeltent at the Edinburgh Festival 2012.
Watch the opening scene from The Boy and the Bunnet stage show.
Hear what some young audience members had to say about our shows at the Edinburgh Festival.
Listen to Scotland’s Makar, Liz Lochhead and others talk about their childhood experiences of Scots language and Scots trad music. Watch the extended version with writer James Robertson and composer James Ross here.
Bryan Beattie gives you a tour of Castlesound studios and the recording of The Boy and the Bunnet.
Watch more videos from The Boy and the Bunnet on our Vimeo channel.